This coffee is clean and floral with a delicate sweetness.
Varietal: Batian | Ruiru 11 | SL28 | SL34
Processing: Washed
Rianjagi is a town located in the Embu region of Eastern Kenya. Built in 1976, Rianjagi Factory and Rianjagi Farmers’ Cooperative Society (FCS) are owned by local farmer members. Members receive a variety of supports from the FCS including farm inputs, training and marketing. Farmers delivering to Rianjagi washing station cultivate primarily SL28, SL34, Ruiru 11 and Batian varieties in small coffee gardens that are, on average, smaller than 1 hectare. ‘SL’ varieties are cultivars originally released by Scott Agricultural Laboratories (SAL) in the 1930s and 1940s. They soon became the go-to trees for many growers in Kenya due to their deep root structure, which allows them to maximise scarce water resources and flourish even without irrigation. They are cultivated with a serious eye towards sustainability and good agricultural practices, with minimal environmental impact where possible. Batian is a relatively new variety introduced by the Kenya Coffee Research Institute (CRI) in 2010. Batian is named after the highest peak on Mt. Kenya and is resistant to both coffee berry disease (CBD) and coffee leaf rust (CLR). The variety has the added benefit of early maturity – cropping after only two years. Similar to Batian, Ruiru 11 is a new variety known for its disease resistance and high yields. It also starts yielding fruit after just 2 years.
The coffee cherries are picked when ripe, and immediately delivered to the Washing Station (Factory). A Cherry Clerk oversees the intake of cherries and ensures only the ripest and highest quality fruit
is accepted. These cherries are then pulped on a disc-pulper and fermented under water for 12-16 hours. The fermented coffee is then washed to remove any remaining mucilage. The cleaned parchment coffee is then laid out to dry on raised drying beds where its regularly raked to ensure even drying.
The washed process using a relatively short period of wet fermentation allows the coffee’s inherent flavour to shine through.
Coffee is exempt from GST.
Our very own tote bag. It’s the perfect size and weight to carry around all day every day. The bag is strong enough to carry all your goodies and is designed to sit comfortably on your shoulder, so you can take it anywhere and everywhere.
Fabric Type
Heavy-weight Canvas
Bag Size
45cm wide
32cm high
10cm base gusset
70cm long
3cm wide
Since opening in 2010, we’ve been learning, roasting, researching, brewing, travelling and buying the best beans so we can bring you something simple: a consistently great cup of coffee.
This coffee is fragrant, floral and bright with brown sugar sweetness.
Vareital: Ruiru 11 - SL28 - SL34
Processing: Washed
Grace Njoki Njage has owned and managed Kamvara Estate since 2009, when her husband passed away. Kamvara Estate is located in the town of Manyatta in the Embu region of Eastern Kenya. The estate is well equipped with its own processing equipment and fermentation tanks.
Coffee cherries are selectively hand-picked for ripeness and immediately pulped. The pulped parchment coffee is then left to dry- ferment for 16-24 hours depending on weather. The parchment coffee is then sent down water channels, which rinse the coffee as well as sort out any floaters (under-ripe or unhealthy coffee seeds). Once sorted, the parchment coffee is further fermented under water for 24 hours. The wet parchment is then laid out on raised drying beds for 2-3 weeks while being mixed regularly to ensure even drying.
The washed process using a period of dry and wet fermentation accentuates the sweetness and acidity of this coffee.
Coffee is exempt from GST.