Our Story | Omar & The Marvellous Coffee Bird
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Our Story

And other fables

Coffee beans in coffee roaster

Gardenvale Victoria

When Omar and the Marvellous Coffee Bird opened in 2010, our mission was to ‘get people excited about coffee’.

We’re pretty convinced it's a mission we’ve accomplished, so now it’s time to cut through the jargon & use our knowledge to help you enjoy a consistently great cup of coffee, wherever you are.



We’ve spent many years researching and travelling, trying to learn everything we can about the complexities of the coffee supply chain to complement our years of experimenting with roasting, brewing and serving coffee. All for one reason: so we can enjoy the simple pleasure of a consistently delicious cup of coffee.

As well as serving the local community from our cafe and roastery in Gardenvale, we ship our beans around Australia and the world and have opened Next Door — a space for you to learn about all things coffee. Next Door helps you master pressurised (espresso) and non-pressurised techniques, so your coffee at home tastes as consistent and delicious as it does at the cafe.

Coffee training room

Our community

We love coffee and the connection it brings. Our staff & customers are our family.

We’re proud that we source everything from like-minded producers & are aware that high-quality produce doesn’t just happen. We are so appreciative of the extra work, effort and knowledge that goes into producing the very best. Not only do we enjoy eating and drinking delicious food and coffee but it also makes our job easier: all we have to do is NOT screw it up.


What’s in a name?

There are many variations of the fable of Omar — a Dervish cast out of the Arabian port of Mocha for some ‘moral remissness’ (a.k.a. running away with the King’s daughter).


Legend has it that, exiled & starving, he accepted the gift of a branch of red berries from an enigmatic bird, but finding them too bitter to eat, he threw them on the fire. He noticed their rich, nutty roasting aroma but still finding them too hard to chew, he boiled them into a soup.

Drinking the liquid, Omar found himself refreshed & revived. After returning to Mocha with his new-found tonic in hand, his moral remissness was clearly outweighed by the deliciousness of the drink. His exile was lifted, and his invigorating drink was hailed as a miraculous cure for many ills.


We give you — our customers — simple, judgement-free guidance so you can drink a great cup of coffee, wherever you are and however you like to drink it.

Beans & equipment
Make better coffee at home
Find your perfect bean
Keep the coffee coming